Interpretation of Dreams
How to read your dreams
Practical advice:
- Make sure you remember them. Set the intention to do so. Write it down or record it as soon as you wake up.
- Google the meaning of the several subjects in your dream. Use a variety of sites so you will be able to grasp the overall meaning.
- Before you go to sleep, you can ask your question. It will ignite your dreams to give you insight on the subject.
- People in your dreams often represent a certain aspect or characteristic of ourselves. Ask yourself: If my subconscious chose this person to represent something, what would that be?For example, a childhood friend who always obeyed her parents may represent the part of you that tries to fit the mold instead of expressing your needs.If the person you dreamt of is a nurse, it may represent your inner healer.Sometimes when you dream of someone, it can also refer literally to that person in real life.
- Crossing your path from left to right: It enters your life
Crossing your path from right to left: It leaves you